The paper "Forging Physics and Language Art Links with Haiku Poetry Form: A Pedagogic Experiment' by Dr Lalit kishore [1] was accepted for 6th International Conference on Imagination and Education; Australia in 2008 - "Imaginative practice, imaginative inquiry"
Haiku is Japanese poetry form which combines the meaning and imagery of words to create a small blank verse with a total of 17 syllables in a single sentence broken into three lines with 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively in them. Since the statements of various scientific laws and definitions of different terms in physics are invariably in single sentences, it was thought to try out a pedagogic experiment of converting them into Haiku verses. The sample for the experiment (6 days; 1 hour daily) consisted of grade nine students (N=30; 14-16 years; urban English medium).
A good majority of students (>60%) commented that due to the mental effort of staying on the words consciously and creatively playing with them, it has been a meaningful exercise. They reacted favorably to the pedagogic experiment at 0.05 levels of significance as revealed by chi- square analysis with two degrees of freedom.
Physics instruction; pedagogic experiment; language art link; imagery;creativity.