Freedom from mundane mind is precondition for life-integrated creativity:
All pursuits -
When striven for
Without self-knowledge -
May it be art or craft!
May it be grooming!
May it be cooking!
May it be substance use!
May it be writing!
May it be partying!
May it be touring!
May it be worshiping!
May it be attending discourses!
May it be going to therapeutic sessions!
May it be any organized activity -
Turn into addictions
All pursuits
Without working on self-transformation
Without realizing soulfulness
Without sensing unphysical existential truth are-
Escapes from Truth-
Promoters of self-forgetfulness
Fancy masks
New bondage
Novel attachments
Fresh gloom of ignorance
Any pursuit
Without understanding self
Without knowing the doer
Without understanding the purpose of life
Causes vanity
Inflates ego
With an overpowering urge
For recognition
For adulation
For admiration
For followership
Causing conflicts-n-strife
All motivation
All inspiration
All opportunities
For creativity
Are mere gimmicks
Unless freedom from mind
Unless freedom from ambitions
Unless freedom from ego
Dawn first-n-foremost