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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Gain Vlogging literacy before posting your videos

With camera in the smart phones, during the lockdown times, many are taking to Vlogging. Using tripod, small studio area near a window or with external defused lighting, an external microphone followed by editing, one can slowly create reasonable.

After practicing video-recording and following the YouTube guidelines, blogging can start as published work which can even give returns with some promotion and finding subscribers.

To get interested in start looking at the work the work of some successful bloggers in your field of expertise. Analyze their work and style to choose your format.

However, research is essential in your expert area. Research is basic to being successful in your field of choice. Visit the work of others by analyzing the Vloggers you like. You can do this by selecting their most popular vlogs and watching them carefully.

Many people begin Vlogging with everyday activities like yoga, exercises, cooking, decoration, improvisation, repairs, craft, gardening, etc., as skill development exercises before starting serious Vlogging.

For later blogs, write a content plan, prepare script, keep all material at hand, go for a dry-run for being comfortable in front of a camera. Get comfortable for outdoor recording for your video-clips. Prepare a improved script and rehearse improvement to film and edit the Vlog which should be of few minutes (5-10 minutes).

Make sure to speak clearly without long pauses. At times, speaking can be interactive and conversational to engage the viewers. While speaking be relaxed but energetic, keep smiling Create your unique sign off, personal phrase or gesture

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