Swedish massage is a gentle tissue massage around muscles (not on muscles) which enhances blood in muscles along with inducing sensory experience of touch to excite good- feel centre in the brain leading to quicker healing and rehabilitation.
Studies suggest that, this type of massage on the sides of the fingers of children with learning disabilities and people who have developed the hand tremor condition has positive effects, but early intervention is a must for better results.
At Disha-A Resource Centre for Multiple Disabilities in Jaipur, I as a researcher and education therapist, had been recommending finger Swedish message for children with learning disabilities, especially for dysgraphia condition. Many, physical and occupational therapists recommend this finger massage right from baby stage to develop and tone up fine motor muscles of fingers leading to better pincer grasp later in childhood. It has been found that it helps the child to have better tripod grasp for writing tools and develop appropriate writing skills in school.
However, at the initial stage, the technique must be learnt from a certified therapist in the presence of the caregiver who in turns provides enough practice at home and encouragement to do it oneself with the prescribed protocol.
For this type of message with feathers can also be used for soft sensations on the finger issues. Feather is slowly glided along the side of the finger. Both the learning disabled and those for whom the hand-tremor has just started, this massage is helpful for a good number of cases with mild and moderate conditions
