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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Getting into depth of an in-depth study

In-depth study pertains to systematically studying and researching something specific extensively (broad, complex) and intensively (deep, insightful, subtle) to have thorough understanding by getting to know its complexities and subtleties through analysis and evaluation.

It is often suggested for in-depth study of a topic, 100-150 hours are needed, which means almost 4-5 hours daily for a month. The information may collected, collated, summarised, abstracted, paraphrased along with creating a glossary of terms related to the topic.

ABCs of in-depth study

A: Analytical skills honed by breaking up topic into components, factors, corelation through supported logical reasoning as well as statistically

B: Basing study with a research design and plan along will a synopsis so as remain on course

C: Combining scholarly study with analysis with daily inputs of 2-4 hours for reading, abstracting, summarizing, information processing done independently or under a guide or organizing a triangulated group

D: Detailed or thorough study of both own intervention and others' from literature as well as non-book resources

E: Extensive and intensive study of a topic, a subject, or an issue

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