A three-day national seminar was held in March, 2007, at a women’s university in India on the theme of ‘Globalization through Gender Lens’. An analysis of voices of concern raised by the academicians and researchers on the present wave of globalization showed that they have accepted it with some cautions even though it does not implicate gender equity in its agenda.

A meta-analysis of the papers presented and circulated at the seminar (N=45) indicated that the the reactions in various papers could be classified in three categories, i.e., favorable, unfavorable, and neutral towards globalization from gender perspective.
While there were no significant differences among the participants’ reactions to globalization among three categories (N=45, DF=2, chi-square= 0.13, NS.), but among the mature (>50 yrs.) paper presenters, there were significantly unfavorable reactions (N=12, DF=2, chi-square=3.5, p≤0.05) towards globalization.
The young and middle-aged academicians and researchers think that globalization is here to stay and better accept it even with a pinch of salt. Their general remark had been, ‘Globalization is here, whether you like it or not.’