(Note: My article is being reproduced from U4U portal and can be accessed on the link given at the end of the article)
Twenty-hour Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) induction courses in physics held recently at Sugni Devi Arya Girls School at Ladawa and Kanya Gurukul at Kurukshetra of Haryana state for grades nine and eleven respectively revealed significantly enhanced liking for physics instruction by the girls which was earlier taught by lecture and chalk-and-talk methods.
Physics teachers of the two schools also underwent the training so as to continue WBT to teach physics after the induction course conducted by Dr. Lalit Kishore and coordinated by Dr. Des Raj, alumni of Kurukshetra University.
The latest researches in learning and pedagogy hardly find their way into the classroom since both theoreticians and educators do not make efforts to put theory into action. New learning theories need to be studied to develop new techniques and instructional materials for try out to make teaching more effective.
Also, research in neuro-science indicate that many parts of the brain and cognitive functions need to involved in learning induced by teaching. This has given rise to a new method of teaching called whole brain teaching.
Many educators feel thereby combining various teachings techniques and incorporating multiple intelligences, inclusive classroom environment, suitable content structure as learning episodes and differential learning processes can be adapted for whole brain teaching (WBT).
Research informs that for WBT, micro-learning episodes or information in short “chunks” of content are presented interactively in a variety of ways by incorporating the elements of multiple intelligences followed by peer group learning situation and individual practice.