With on-line teaching and blended teaching being the new educational-normals, the skill of creating micro-videos using a smart phone has acquired importance for classroom instruction. It is skill which has become most relevant with mobile-held learning both for teachers and students which is required for effective on-line teaching and learning processes.

A micro-videos is viewed as a short instructional videos that focuses on teaching a 'single narrow topic' or 'micro-learning episode'. After a learning episode has been identified, proceed as follows.
Planning: Codify the micro-content or least amount of information needed for the episode in the form of a list of titles / captions
Practice dry-run: You must walk through what you wish to show your students to identify the sequence of shots or recording. Codify it as a storyboard (see inset collage)
Recording: Record the video as per the storyboard
Editing: Cut out mistakes and trim extra footage from the ends of your recording. Produce the video
Production: Add title and messages / captions
Using the foregoing steps, I tried the to learn the skill of micro-video production as a beginner as guided by my instructor and produced a micro-video of a few seconds on 'rangoli' - traditional line-and-dot floor art of India (see inset micro-video)