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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Iconic revolutionary Che Guevara’s idea of education: Two quotes and a word cloud

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

Che Guevara, who had Irish roots, is deemed as the icon of the Cuban Revolution and the symbol of the ideal of the revolution. After his education, he traveled around Mexico and learned to be alone and wrote diary and articles on political system. He continues to be poster boy of ‘revolutionary struggle and a counter-cultural symbol of rebellion, across the world till today.

Thousands of people including communists, socialists, social activists, leaders and Cubans traveled on October 19 from Latin America to la Higuera - a village where the iconic revolutionary met his death – to observe his 53rd death anniversary.

Highly educated Marxist, who wrote profusely on Marxism and guerrilla warfare, after successful Cuban revolution, left Cuba to spread socialism across the globe as viable system of governance. Guevara is seen as youth icon life, appearance and death have been romanticized

The jungle where he was captured and killed is a tourist attraction now. In the villages and nearby towns Guevara’s face, with black hair, scruffy beard and cap, is a common sight.

He was against elitist and ivory tower education which is exclusive in nature and oppressive for the poor.

Two of his famous quotes on education are as follows.

  • The walls of the educational system must come down. Education should not be a privilege, so the children of those who have money can study.

  • The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated

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