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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Importance of visual codes in learning and communication: A short note and an example

Only humans create symbols of different kinds to work as communication of thoughts, feelings and culture as representations of reality. However, before use abstract symbols, it is appropriate to acquire the skill of drawing visual symbols for proper communication.

Most individuals are visual learners and their structured learning process has to be in the following steps for optimal and effective learning outcomes

Concrete experience > semi-concrete experience or visual code use > practice of visual coding > linking to abstract symbols of language or math

For classroom instruction and linking learning with enhancement of visual intelligence drawing stick figures with letters of a language have a cognitive advantage through the followed aspects

  • Sequencing

  • Shape-visual symbol relationship

  • Structured visual-perceptual experience

  • Transformation

  • Communication

  • Modelling

  • Mindfulness or attentiveness

Watch the inset micro-video of converting letter R into stick figure of a rooter and use it with a kid or adult to enhance learning and cognition.

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