The Indian koels, eudynamys, are a genus of cuckoos that eat fruits and insects. It is an arboreal species.
Indian Koel is a shy bird, more heard than seen. it often hides itself in dense vegetation, it is difficult to see it. The female has a pattern of grey freckles on its body.
The micro video was shot on a windy day when a koel visited the Gulmohar tree in front of our house, It kept on moving away from the camera while the baby kept on sitting as it was learning to fly (See video)
The male Koel is easily identified by its entirely glossy black plumage, tinged with blue and green, and striking red eye.
The female Koel has glossed brown upper-parts, heavily spotted with white, and a black crown. The lower parts of female are generally buff-cream with many fine black bars.
When it is quiet, it holds long tail held downwards, hunched back, head and bill are kept straight.
It makes loud distinctive calls. Male sings and makes 16 different calls to attract females that emit only two kinds of calls.
Koels are considered brood parasites since they lay their eggs in the nests of other species, specially crows.