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Indian science educator Dr Kishore honored with C'Wealth Award 2021 for innovation in STEM education

Writer's picture: Lalit KishoreLalit Kishore

Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Inshore, has been awarded the Commonwealth Award-2021 – Findel CASTME Award – instituted by the Commonwealth Association of Science, Mathematics and Technology Eductors, London, for his innovative project “Designing and Developing Teacher Handbook for Science Experiences at Remote Small Rural Primary Schools through Use of Mini-Tools Kit: Essentiality of Contextualisation and Teacher Empowerment” submitted while being associated with a Jaipur-based NGO.

Every year three awards are presented for the projects submitted by STEM educators from 54 countries working at primary, secondary, tertiary and community levels. The news in this regard was published in the December 2022 issue of bulletin of Indian Association of Physics Teachers

Abstract of the project

A four-day design and development workshop of 24 primary teachers of alternative education based single-teacher primary schools in the NGO sector in Western Rajasthan was organized during pre-COVID times and outcome resulted into a document to work as a teacher handbook for implementing the project by creating of school-based science kits with the help of students during the post-pandemic period. The need for the workshop was expressed by the teachers during an earlier training on multi-level teaching strategy in the single-teacher small schools in interior villages. The four specific objectives of the workshop were: (1) To understand nature and processes of science; (2) To understand the proper use and handling of basics hand tools for material manipulation to create things for use of learning science; (3) Designing and quick trialling of science experiments to give feel of processes of science; and (4) To create a teacher handbook to carry out the project in schools at the opportune time from the next academic session beginning in July of the ensuing year. The training framework was prepared by this investigator on behest of Jaipur based NGO and four-day training was carried out by him as a resource person in the field. The training was residential and for quick try of the created experiments the students living near the training site were invited. The handbook was prepared by this investigator in Hindi for further use. The workshop participants felt confident to transfer the skills of using hand tools and processes of science to the children in their schools. The conclusion is that imparting the design thinking skills and use of basic hand tools to create science apparatus and simple experiments by manipulating readily available material works reasonably for single-teacher rural schools. The present report describes the design and development initiative and the handbook and training report in details in Hindi are appended.

Keywords: Design and development method, design thinking, inclusion, low-cost activities, process based science instruction,


Science and technology has reached in the remote places due to information and communication technology being accessible through hand-held devices like mobiles and tablets being distributed by the governments in a bid to universalize basic education. With the emerging new norm of blended learning in the situation caused ob COVID 19 pandemic, on-line learning is being encouraged in the education sector. However, for remote areas and early education hands-on and experiential learning of science and technology is must to get the first hand feel of processes of science which are basic to construction of knowledge and life skills education.

Some innovations in India in late 1990s such as Hoshangabad Science Education Project[1] through Bal Vaigyanik curriculum, Small Science Project[2]; Khoji Pothi[3] based on discovery Approach to Environmental Studies by the Lok Jumbish Project; Low-Cost Teaching Aids Project[4] (KFI Varanasi) were done earlier as science curriculum reforms, which were beamed at the students in urban areas; well-resourced schools in semi-urban areas and schools in villages on the road sides with entirely different and diverse contexts. However, the schools in tribal areas and small habitations which were functioning in the multi-grade teaching format, science teaching at the elementary school level continued to suffer.

Furthermore, Science education has become increasingly concerned with integration between science, technology and society demanding designing of practical activities for children on wider scope of education (Badran[5], 1988).

In-service teacher training is reported to impractical because of the emphasis on uniformity, similarity, linearity. Moreover, it is more theoretical and makes use of lecture method of transaction of the content. Such training have have reported to routinized and do not have any rigorous follow-up system.


The need for inclusion of remote and tribal areas, which are being serviced through small schools, in process based learning of basic science at the primary school level was felt by the investigator’s organisation and as a part of technical support to partner NGOs.

According to Human Resource Development Group (HRDG[6], 1986), to make science, technology and mathematics education relevant at basic education level, the ‘linkage model’ of instructional material development is appropriate which involves ‘fitting the teaching of issues with relevant science and technology topics in existing syllabuses’ through a ‘greater interaction between teachers and students; between students and materials; and among students themselves.’ On the other hand, the interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary methods, which are exclusive, are deemed better at higher education level which requires special courses to be developed.

Furthermore, Lubben, Campbell and Dlamini[7] (1995) report that in technological approach to science instruction, teaching with contextualised materials is slow, because of its novelty, the requirement of student participation and high demand of processing verbal information, but it learning is likely to remain a lasting reason for a slow teaching pace with such resources

UNESCO[8] (1991) reports that in developing countries, there is lack of science teaching aids and supplementary material; therefore, a need was felt for producing improvised teaching aids and kits from local materials. It was also felt that hesitancy of teachers to adopt activity oriented approaches limits students’ attainment in science.

There is no doubt that at the primary education level, integration of low level technology, craft skills with hand tools, local context or social dimension in which learner is situates and curricular needs of process based learning require a plurality of curriculum manifestations. As Layton[9] (1988) puts it

The attempt to restore the integrality of knowledge and action, epitomised in attempts to incorporate technology in general education, poses severe challenges to educators within traditional institutional structures...We lack research into children’s technological thinking comparable with that into scientific thinking...It is clear that much work remains to be done more appropriate techniques of assessment if technology in general education is to escape the procrustean proclivities of the examination system...The efficacy of such approaches is still to be decided, but what is clear that the problem of public understanding of science is no longer seen as a scientific or technical problem for individuals, but as a ‘people problem’ with a strong social dimension to it.


It is said that science education needs to be contextualised to become relevant and effective through low cost and readily available materials. Moreover, the diversity of learners and their social learning situation is another factor which is needed to be addressed. It can be done through school based reform as suggested by Tamhane[10] (2015).

He states the following.

Creative science teaching and learning requires that children should be provided with opportunities to investigate problems on their own, make their own hypotheses and draw their own conclusions. This can be achieved in schools with limited financial resources by using waste and scrap materials, such as empty matchboxes, used bicycle spokes, fused electric bulbs, shells, empty cigarette packets, torch-light bulbs, plastic tubes and tongue-cleaners and rubber bands - all of which are easily and cheaply available. These materials offer the extra advantage of letting children use them freely without adult admonishment. A project to promote low-cost teaching aids is being implemented by the Krishnamurti Foundation in India. It will involve rural and urban teachers in developing teaching aids relevant to their own environment.

Furthermore, motivation for present initiative was the expressed desire of the teachers during training on multi-grade and multi-level continuous progress system in small schools in which one teachers handles more than one grade in remote small habitations in the desert state of Rajasthan in India. Also, the inspiration was drawn from ideas related to the School Technology curriculum and concept of Educational Engineering as interdisciplinary knowledge areas in which principles of technology and engineering are being applied to pedagogy of different subject areas as illustrated by the following two quotes.


Design and development methodology in workshop mode backed by desk study and direct observational research was used for the present initiative effective and efficacious by its designer. Accordingly, to maintain the intrinsic validity the following concept note was prepared it (see Exhibit-1).

Exhibit 1: Concept note on the design and development methodology

The design and development research was proposed by Brown and Collins in the 1990s which got matured as method in educational research to formatively evaluate a product, a tool, an innovation or a theory and validate its viability, usability and practicality.

In fact, initially, "design experiments" term was introduced by Brown (1992) and Collins (1992) in their research work. In the 21st century, works of Laurel (2003), Kumar (2012), and Sanders & Stappers (2014) have brought the method to a widely accepted method in the area of creativity and innovation in various disciplines and settings.

Here, it is explained in the form of an ABC verse from the consulted work of authors mentioned herein.

ABC verse on design and development research

A: Attempting methodical development of a prototype through formative evaluations on its usability and practicality

B: Bases for method are why, what and how of doing

C: Collection of data is done through observations, notes, surveys, protocols, discussions and interviews during designed development and trialling

D: Data types are the needs analysis, context study, mid-course reviews as try-out data

E: Evaluation of tools and products, etc, through interpreting the extent of practicality or effectiveness of use through observation and discussions with the user and designer.


The four specific objectives of the design and development workshop were as follows.

(1) To understand nature and processes of science

(2) To understand the proper use and handling of basics mini hand-tools for material manipulation to create things for use in learning of science

(3) Designing and quick trialling of science experiments to give feel of processes of science

(4) To create a teacher handbook to carry out the project in schools systematically.

The sample the study consisted of teachers (N=24; age group: 30-45 years; all males; qualifications: grade ten to graduation) of multi-age vertical group classrooms in remote villages of Bikaner (desert district of western Rajasthan state of India), with most schools in Lunkaransar Block, wherein the training workshop was held.


Keeping the foregoing in view, a four-day training framework was prepared, each of 1.5 hours, as the first step of the procedure. In all, 16 sessions were envisaged. Based on the framework, materials required for sessions in the form of the tools and manipulative materials were decided upon for use in different sessions (See Exhibit 2)

Design and development method lays down the procedure which works as an equivalent of study plan in the conventional research methods. The methodology was chosen because of its suitavlity since the investigator himself was interventionist for the project. Moreover, this methodology is close to action research requiring frequent self-reflection and re-planning actions for improvements and fine-tuning as the intervention evolves during its development and try-out

Exhibit 2- : Box depicting highlights of the training framework

The second step was to prepare the training module to carry out the residential training with precision. And. In the third step that designer of the initiative rehearsed the activities of the training as it was to be conducted in workshop mode.

Thereafter, as the fourth step, prototype mini-tools kit was decided upon along with science experiential kit consisting of materials to be manipulated with the hand tools meant for children (See Exhibit 3)

Exhibit-3 : Box showing sketches of the mini-tools which children also learned to draw

The fifth step consisted of the transaction of training to teachers in workshop mode to learn use of tools and creating some pieces of apparatus and assembling experiment by manipulating the readily available materials along with preparing some activity sheets and worksheets (See Exhibit-4)

Exhibit-4: Samples of activity sheet and worksheets

Developing activity sheets is the most crucial part of any process based science instruction programmes and due care was taken to design then in terms objective of the activity, materials required, diagram in line drawing and procedure along with stating results.

Keeping the foregoing in view, the following headings were used for the activity sheets

1. Objective of the activity

2. Materials required

3. Diagram

4. Procedure (Numbered sequential instructions)

5. Observations (what was felt and seen: qualitative articulation)

6. Result (As a statement what has been learned

For assembly or construction and experimental type of activities, the detailed instructions were listed out sequentially like in conventional experiments for science curriculum linked cognitive development (See Exhibit-5).

Exhibit-5 : Experimental science activity sheets

In the sixth step, the training was conducted in workshop mode and quick trial of activities with children by teachers as workshop participants to directly observe the effect of the activities and skills acquired (see Exhibit-6).

This was done so that the trainees have the direct experience of the workability of the activities and feel confident in demonstrating activities and guiding children in doing the activities.

Exhibit-6: Teachers and children doing activities involve tools and designedexperiments

In the seventh step, a teacher handbook was prepared as resource document for consultation and reference to carry out the the initiative in an informed way.

The project took three months time right from need analysis to documentation. On the basis the direct experience of the project, the investigator prepared this report which took another two months that included the desk study, revisit to the documents and reflective recall of the field experiences.


There were three main outcomes of the the designed intervention with the due care for the intrinsic validity of the development and transaction of the training in the workshop mode.

Availability of the teacher handbook in the school language for classroom implementing the experiential learning of process based science learning at the primary school level in remote small school (see Exhibit 7).

The sense of ownership of the intervention through residential participatory training in the workshop mode and of confidence among participant teachers got developed due to quick try out of activities with local students.

Exhibit-7: Draft documents produced during the intervention design and pages

The last two outcomes are based on the collective review of the workshop in the concluding session of the workshop.

Discussion and implications

Since the intervention was designed on the bases of an idea and identified need, it turned out be efficacious because of being a learning opportunity for both the investigator and participating teachers. The training of teachers in the workshop mode with involvement of hand tools and manipulation of local material provided multiple experiences in designing and producing process based activities. Since tangible products were created in the workshop mode, therefore, the possibilities of their use with improvisation and inventiveness got enhanced.

As far as the investigator is concerned, the new insights were gained through the practical use of the principles of technology, engineering, design thinking and new research methods in the form of design-and-development research and observational research.

The implications of the present project are in the form of preparing teachers in design thinking skills and project work in contextualization of science experiences to context in which learners are situated such as deprivation, remoteness, social variation and power hierarchies.

Also, the dissemination of the innovations and good practices in STEM education through various channels in the government sector and social sectors are needed to be mobilized. Academic and professional organizations are required to recast their roles in promoting and encouraging projects which take STEM education among learners located in diverse situations as well in the community.

Another take away from the intervention was that the designer of the intervention has to self-orient himself or herself through reading, preparing concept notes and trying things on own level and do the documentation to improve various skills and expertise as well as gain new and better insights in making intervention more relevant.


It can be concluded that the well designed contextualized innovation in process based science instruction with readily available material can be transferred to classroom effectively via training through workshop mode supported with teacher handbook.

Similar views have expressed by Layton[11] (1988) when he states that the broadening perspectives on science and technology education is meant to bring into focus the relationship with a wider range of human experiences not entailing uniformity and is required to take place within diverse contexts.

A thirty page document has been prepared for the trainers and teachers for extension and expansion of the intervention as the current pandemic situation eases out and regular school functioning resumes for face-to-face learning and guided hands-on experiences.

The availability of teacher’s handbook always provides a feeling of confidence both to the trainers, supervisors and teachers to institutionalize designed intervention in a systemic way with a collective common understanding.

Use of mini-tools while learning science could integrate life skills acquisition along with learning a school subject as advocated by the UNICEF[12]. Also, the United Nation's agenda of Sustainable Development Goals[13] (SDGs) with the 'Leave no one behind' which emphasises on equity and inclusion in education of children can be taken care of with contextualization of curricular practices.


[1]Hoshangabad Science Education Project [2]Small Science Project [3]Khoji Pothi [4] LCTA [5]Badran, A. M. (1988). Practical work in teaching of science and technology, In Layton, D (1988). Intergrality and diversity in science and technology education, In David Layton (Ed). Innovations in science and Technology Education (Vol II), Paris: UNESCO, p12 [6]HRDG (1986), Making science, technology and mathematics education relevant, London: Commonwealth Secretariat,(pp. 26, 27) [7]Lubben, F., Campbell, B., and Dlamini. B. (1995). In-service support for technological approach to science education, London: ODA Education Division (p 37) [8]UNESCO (1991). Science for all and the quality of life, Bangkok: UNESCO Principal Office for Asia and the Pacific, p.91 [9]Layton, David Layton (Ed). Innovations in science and Technology Education (Vol II), Paris: UNESCO. pp. 16-19 [10]Tamhane, T. (2015). Innovative teaching, Down to Earth Magazine (10 July 2015) [11] Layton, D (1988). Intergrality and diversity in science and technology education, In David Layton (Ed). Innovations in science and Technology Education (Vol II), Paris: UNESCO, p.12 [12] UNICEF: Comprehensive Life Skills Framework: New Delhi: India Country Office [13] Emma Samman, et. al, (2021) ‘Leave no one behind’ – five years into Agenda 2030: guidelines for turning the concept into action: Research reports, World Bank



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