Advocates of 'teaching for visual intelligence' view design art as a pedagogical tool for content learning, aesthetics, development of fine motor skills, presentation skills and acquiring coordination skills.
Subject teacher-developed art integrated topic learning program can afford children opportunities to experiment with drawing and painting materials to demonstrate learning through visual and spatial symbols. Design art can be very helpful in this regard (see inset picture)

It becomes the professional responsibility of teachers to create art activities to link art across the disciplines as well as respond to learning experiences through art.
ABCs of Design Art
A: Applied art meant to decorate objects both animate and inanimate
B: Beautification of things with elements of arts
C: Creating things artfully and skillfully or contemporary use of applied art to create forms and decorations on things of mass production
D: Drawings, preliminary sketches, or plans which are done aesthetically
E: Edifices, structures, forms with decorative schemes and aesthetic appeal