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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Is novel coronavirus striking back with vengeance those who defeated it!

Scientists are tracking changes in pandemic virus and some studies suggest that it is mutating and changing 'slowly' but 'dangerously'. The reason being the changes in the virus are appearing again and again in the initial out-break areas after phased unlocking. In some cases, the mutated virus is out-smarting the earlier strains.

Such reports have added to the scare caused by uncertainties about novel coronavirus. There are also reports that plasma therapy based recovery does not last long and there are relapses due to body's memory loss about the virus. It has been reported that in some Indian states, the recovered patients were beaming positive again with an alarming loss of immunity levels.

The mutations in virus also suggest that even a vaccine would require many periodic trial spells before being declared valid and reliable.


Novel coronavirus becomes ever-new

To warriors, it is now saying a big boo

Treatment produces bodies' memory loss

Mutated virus becomes the deadly boss

In counter attack, immunity goes askew.

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