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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

It's time to build gender equitable future for benefit of everyone: UN Chief on IWD-2021

Ahead of the observance of the International Women's Day-2021 on March 8, the UN Secretary-Generals in his message message 2021 stated, "In a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture, gender equality is essentially a question of power...(And,) Males are an essential part of the solution."

He expressed the concern that the COVID-19 pandemic had erased decades of progress towards gender equality with exploding burdens of unpaid care by females at home, disrupted schooling, escalating crisis of domestic violence and exploitation as wells erosion of women’s rights.

He observed that this year’s International Women’s Day highlighted the transformative power of women’s equal participation. He called on countries, companies and institutions to adopt special measures and quotas to advance women’s equal participation and achieve rapid change. He urged, "It is time to and build an equal future. This is job for everyone – and for the benefit of everyone."

Here my sketch note on gender issue for you to read and make sense.

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