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C'Wealth Award to Dr Kishore for innovative science instruction at middle school level

Updated: Dec 2, 2020

Commonwealth Award-2020, instituted by the Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME[1]) and sponsored by Findel International Education Resources and Philip Harris, has been awarded to Jaipur-based researcher Dr. Lalit Kishore of Disha: A Resource Centre for Multiple Disabilities.

The award winning entries of the three consecutive years are as follows.

· Findel CASTME Education Project Award 2018 - Entry: Training Primary Teachers to Become Math Language Literates: Development and Tryout of Training Material to Connect Exact Science of Math to Soft Science of Linguistics.

· Findel CASTME Community Community Project Award 2019 - Entry: Adjusting Science Instruction to Needs of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities: Designing and Clinical Trialling of Select Lessons for Standardisation of Visual Support Material

· Findel CASTME Community Project Award 2020 - Entry: Making Middle School Science to Spin, Swirl and Sway for Self- Development of Science Educator as Action Researcher and Learner-Teacher

Dr. Kishore had won the award for the years 2018 and 2019 for his innovative projects in math and science education for which reports of educational projects were invited from across the world which addressed the social or human context of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The awards are presented to the entries that display innovative approaches to increasing STEM awareness in the everyday world. One of the three awards is given for the educational project and the other two are given for the community education projects that focus on the mothers, carers and community.

The organizers of the award scheme inform about the project report format thus, "The submissions should outline the aims and objectives of the project, its form, target audience, location, organisers and means of delivery. All entries must be submitted by Friday 31st August and can be hand-written or types in English and should not exceed 10,000 words. Reports should be based on personal experience and should include substantial evidence of teaching, learning methods or other educational work."

According to CASTME, the projects are judged by a panel of experts against the following criteria with the winners for 2020 to be formally announced at the UK ASE conference in January 2021:(1)Increasing STEM awareness in the everyday world; (2.) Improving standards of literacy and numeracy; (3) Originality; (4) Creativity and Inventiveness; (5) Practical usage; (6) Social relevance; (3) Contribution to society; (4) Positive effects on gender issues; (9) Demonstration of effective project management; and (10) Clarity and a high standard of presentation, organisation and structure.


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