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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Jiddu Krishnamurti on education and my three haiku

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Here are three thoughts of noted philosopher and thinkers J Krishnamurti on education.

~Comparison is degrading, it perverts one's outlook. And on comparison one is brought up. All our education is based on it and so is our culture. So there is everlasting struggle to be something other than what one is. The understanding of what one is uncovers creativeness, but comparison breeds competitiveness, ruthlessness, ambition, which we think brings about progress. Progress has only led so far to more ruthless wars and misery than the world has ever known. To bring up children without comparison is true education (Jiddu Krishnamurti).

~`Educate' in the real sense of that word; not to transmit from the teachers to the students some information about mathematics or history or geography, but in the very instruction of these subjects to bring about a change in your mind. Which means that you have to be extraordinarily critical. You have to learn never to accept anything which you yourself do not see clearly, never to repeat what another has said (Jiddu Krishnamurti).

~What is required is not the cultivation of memory but the freedom from the accumulative process of the mind...If you say harsh words to me, it hurts me; but if that hurt is not given importance, it does not become the background from which I act; so it is possible that I meet you afresh. That is real education, in the deep sense of the word. Because, then, though I see the conditioning effects of experience, the mind is not conditioned (Jiddu Krishnamurti).

Here are my three adapted haiku inspired by his thoughts on education.

Each child is unique.
 Unfold their creativity - 
 Compare not, it kills.
 Educate to explore - 
 Never to parrot words 
 But to self-transform.
 De-condition mind. 
 To remain ever new, -
 Observe neutrally.

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