Note: The non-poem be seen as the book review of 'School is Dead' and implications of technology consumption by schools

Invasion of homes-n-schools
By technology and technological warriors
Has happened
To conquer minds
To colonise minds
To shape minds
To create captive zombies
To leave no scope for technology’s rejection
To make technology a necessity-
It has happened
With a mobile in hands of the most
Says Everett Reimer,
'School has become
The universal church
Of a technological society,
Incorporating and transmitting its ideology,
Shaping men's minds to accept this ideology, and
Conferring social status in proportion to its acceptance'
Technology has been hard pushed
Into schools
Technology has arrived
To chain learners and schools
Through competitive consumption
Of technology alone
Better, schools and educators
Be warned and beware
Not be enslaved
Not be replaced
By technology
To keep the schools alive and ticking
With multiple ways of learning
With technology as the least preferred way
Allow not schools
To get turned into
Junk yards of technology