Sindhi community in Rajasthan and Punjab celebrate on the night of January 13, the festival of Lal Loi which resembles the festival of Lohri of the Punjabis.

Earlier, I had written an article on Lal Loi for the Merinews portal as citizen journalist which has also found reference in Wikipedia[1] and Aimexhange[2] on the internet search engine of Google.
Here, I summarize the article as a sentence acrostic on LAL LOI
L: Lohri-like festival of the Sindhis celebrated by
A: Alighting bonfire and singing
L: Loudly and dancing around it to mark the L: Last night of winter season and ridding
O: Old household articles along with distribution of
I: Indian sweet dishes like Boondi, Rewri, Lai, Laddos of Til and Coconut gratings
------------------------------------- References [1] Merinews: Dr Lalit Kishore 08 01 2014 [2]