Since 1973, August 26 is being observed as “Women's Equality Day” to commemorate the the 19th Amendment (1920) to the US Constitution that accorded women the right to vote. Consequently, a headway was made for treating women as equals in social, economic, health and rights as well as 'not be discriminated against on the basis of their gender.'
Amendment led a situation in which women were to be treated as citizens 'entitled the full rights and privileges, public or private, legal or institutional...available to male citizens.'
Unfortunately, due the amendment, role-reversal also started by making women to assume the roles of men and inducting women in the jobs which were male-inclusive. in many ways, women are different both biologically and cognitively. This led to the concept of gender equity instead of women's equality respecting the gender diversity that included male, female and other genders.
Here is my non-poem on wrongful gender role reversal
Diversity is beauty
Destroy not beauty
Through uniformity
Through similarity
Through competition
Attempt not
Promote not
Gender role reversal.
That will
Invoke masculinity in women
Foster male aggression in them
To destroy humanity
Give equal value
to females' innate qualities
Of fertility
Of producing
Of nurturing
Of emoting
Of caring
Of sharing
Of collaborating
Of cooperation
Of aesthetics