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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Make at least one-minute music in every classroom session for enhancing aesthetics and recall

The World Music Day was observed in social media and as a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, French defied the lockdown restrictions and celebrated the music day as public event in the streets of Paris.

The observance had originated in France as Fete de la Musique - a music festival initiated and ideated by then French Minister of Culture Jack Lang.

Globally, the observance celebrates music in all its forms including folk music and traditional music to feel the wonder of music and its impact on the human spirit.

Often, both amateur and professional musicians are encouraged to perform in the streets free of charge to the public.

I feel that in schools, the observance in schools should be promoted to enhance musical intelligence which has been recognized as a cogni

tive potential to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone.

According to the proponent of 'Multiple Intelligence' theory of learning, professor Gardner and other advocates of this theory of learning; musical intelligence enables humans as their innate potential related to thinking process that enables them to sense, recognize, create, adapt, reproduce, and reflect on music as an artistic communication and musicality as an aid remembering and recall as well as a therapy.

My lesson studies on musicalization of textual material through pattern poetry and rhythmic non-poems suggested that there is a need to incorporate musical intelligence in clasroom process for revision and summarizing the lesson just for two-minutes.

Here is an acrostic poem on MUSIC that can be recited to have musical effect and remember its definition. Here is one-minute pattern poem to recite.

M: Medium of sound that has pleasing effect in rendering and listening

U: Understanding of the 'art of muses' through range of instruments and singing styles including rapping

S: Sonic qualities of timbre and texture or colors in sounds

I: Instrumental and vocal ways of creating pleasant sounds or composing music

C:Composed of common elements of pitch, rhythm, and dynamics to make sound-symbols' expression aesthetic and artistic

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