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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Make use of puppet play therapy for children for special needs: Spl on World Puppetry Day

World Puppetry Day is observed on March 21 since 2003 consequent to advocacy for the observance by Iranian puppet theater artist Javad Zolfaghari for the tradition to remain alive in the age of internet.

Puppet play therapy for children for special needs (CWSN) should be simple - stick puppets with least details to children's fine motor muscle and cognitive development. Certified puppet users are available in the area of special education.

A special educator can also use stick puppets for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Over the years, the designed puppet play therapy has become an effective practice in the area of child psychotherapy even for normal children under mental strain and stress.

Here I reproduce my write-up "Shape based stick puppets are inclusively appropriate since they have therapeutic and cognitive development values" which I had written while working At Disha Foundation in Jaipur.

Shape based stick puppets are inclusively appropriate since they have therapeutic and cognitive development values

In pre-schools and schools for children with special needs, puppets need to be the part of playroom and education therapy for cognitive and language development.

However, the puppets should be simple - not gaudily colourful and detailed - and they must be used with a protocol to meet the needs with therapeutic value and not for entertainment. In other words, the puppets should be designed to perform psychological and cognitive functions. Teachers need to design puppets for clinical use with proper script for performance.

My experience informs that shape-dominant stick puppets are good enough as they can be easily and quickly made as per needs and used as shown in the inset picture, These puppets have been designed by Dr Lalit Kishore and Vibhanshu Gaur of Disha assisted by Neha Saini.

Moreover, in pre-schools and schools for children with special needs, puppets need to be the part of playroom and education therapy for cognitive and language development.

However, the puppets should be simple - not gaudily colourful and detailed - and they must be used with a protocol to meet the needs with therapeutic value and not for entertainment. In other words, the puppets should be designed to perform psychological and cognitive functions. Teachers need to design puppets for clinical use with proper script for performance.

My experience informs that shape-dominant stick puppets are good enough as they can be easily and quickly made as per needs and used as shown in the inset picture, These puppets have been designed by Dr Lalit Kishore and Vibhanshu Gaur of Disha assisted by Neha Saini.

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