According to Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore, for inclusion of children across the ability spectrum in the learning process, the use of visual codes and visual symbols is essential since such interventions enhance cognitive development of most learners including those with special needs.
Dr Kishore, who has been active in the area of application of educational psychologist Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence in classroom settings, has done action researching in dual code application in teaching various school subjects to benefit children in deprived groups as well as students studying in the mainstream schools.
His work on visual intelligence, including visually disrupted classroom instruction, non-art use of art in cognitive gains and art-integrated learning has been accepted in international conferences, picked up by websites for dissemination, and recognized by professional groups such as Art House, Angel’s Gallery, Show Your Talent Group and ‘Art, Poetry and Literature’ Group.
The collage at the end the the write-up shows a lesson on the topic of light in grade eight through dual code at the Plenum School in Himachal Pradesh.
The noteworthy efforts for disseminating the work of Kishore has been done by merinews.com, Visual Teaching Alliance and and rbsfera.ru (see inset pics)
Note: Dr Kishore is currently associated with the Plenum School, HP, for work on micro-learning strategy appropriate for small schools.
