A distinct advantage of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) - prevalent in many European countries, European Union and NATO Alliance - is that it includes the sounds of world's many languages.
The conventional English instruction -that begins with 'A for Apple', which does not have this A-sound in many other languages across the world- is being discarded and teaching of phonetic alphabet being preferred.
However, the following pattern poem beginning with ‘A or अ for Alpha (AL FAH)’ sound exemplifies the commonality of अ-sound in many world-languages including Hindi -sound. The poem directly begins with IPA style since spoken English relies on listening-speaking-modelling for a beginner.
It has been found that IPA interventions are good as transitional and readiness courses for learning Standard English.
The recitation modelling and echo-recitation are apt ways to make a beginning with IPA style.
Pattern poems for first sounds of IPA
Alpha (AL FAH); Bravo (BRAH VOH); Charlie (CHAR LEE)
Charlie (CHAR LEE); Bravo (BRAH VOH); Alpha (AL FAH)
Delta (DELL TAH); Echo (ECK OH); Foxtrot (FOKS TROT)
Foxtrot (FOKS TROT); Echo (ECK OH); Delta (DELL TAH)
Transaction steps
1. Begin with echo recitation
2. Also, repeat with syllabic clapping
3. Further, repeat with phonic spelling
4. End with phonic awareness of A-B-C-D-E-F
More pattern poem recitations
Charlie dances foxtrot
Dances he non-stop
Alpha begins with अ-sound
अ- अ-अ- Alpha
Like Anar begins with अ-sound
Like ‘America, Alone, Again, Ago’ begin with अ-sound
...So on...
अ, ब, च
ड, ऍ:, फ़
अ- ऍ: sounds consciously
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