Most schools have switched over to online teaching due to coronavirus scare but quality of instruction is being resented due to poorly presented lessons. The technology based supportive tools have come up which with teacher training teachers can provide better online teaching to students from home.

One of the affordable devices is the 'XP-Pen graphics tablet' which can blend the teacher's style of teaching from work table instead of explaining things without standing in front of chalk board.
The following advantages have reported by trained and certified instructional users of the device.
Creation of a step-wise progressive and interactive content-rich lecture by sharing screen in real-time
Making use of hand-draw images, graphics, and diagrams
Worktable based writing and facilitative modelling
One can broadcast pre-recorded courses to your streaming or online learning platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Bloc, Twitch, etc.
Often the tablet Deco 01 V2 with 10 x 6.25-inch working area is recommended which has medium-sized work surfaces
It has been reported by the on-line teachers that by using the XP-Pen stylus and graphics tablet the content can be presented by writing and annotating on pre-prepared presentations along with attending the queries of students..