Mandalas are used for varied purposes, such as:
spiritual environment creation
creation of sacred space
spiritual healing, inner peace and therapeutic experience
inner growth and renewal
enhancement of self-awareness and spiritual intelligence
The practice of a mandala is simply to place ourselves in the middle of it and learn to relate with the social structure and atmosphere around us as a sacred environment. ~ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
A mandala integrated structure organized around a unifying center. ~ Longchenpa
Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life. ~ Pema Chodron
Your consciousness, your soul, is the center of this mandala, and the rest of the universe is the environment surrounding it. The totality of the mandala is unfolding according to an intelligent pattern; it is a dynamic mandala. ~ A.H. Almaas
Making a mandala is a universal activity, a self-integrating ritual. ~ Jose Arguelles
The mandala is a map for spiritual transformation. ~ Tsultrim Allione
In the infinite mandala of space, all phenomena are easily accommodated. They have easy space and there is still space. ~Padmasambhava
The center of the Mandala is the Now-moment, where, through the quality of attention, we constantly create ourselves anew. ~Richard Moss