The male ploys of role reversal through slogans, competitions, talentism, corporatisation, marketisation, privatization, etc., under the bandwagon terms like 'glass ceiling' and 'value chains' to achieve leadership equality of 'female functionaries' with 'male functionaries' have turned facile, report a few well meaning studies.
One can find independent study reports on the internet that reveal that workplaces have, in fact, manculanized women and led to gender stratification in 'job market'. With the male dominated markets and work places - barring a few masculinized women examples that don't prove gender justice and equality - the 'disguised gender barriers' toward equity such as sexual discrimination, exploitation, oppression, under-valuing women's work, etc., have enhanced. Through, some 'sponsored studies' in the form of case studies glorify the efforts of the job market toward gender equity.
The influence of continued barriers to gender equality and parity in jobs and workplaces have been depicted in the following sketch note which reveals the reality to even a lay-person. It has been seen that even, even so called successful female functionaries at the higher echelons of organization find a wider gender gap exists in their career progression paths. In other words, female functionaries often find that beyond a certain level, they face much more stubborn barriers that are difficult to surmount.
Grown up men hardly change, therefore, in homes and schools, the there is to go for change in social and instructional pedagogical changes that go by the tenets of 'whole brain education' that involves the potentials of right and hemispheres of the brain.