According to Kishore and Sharma (1983) , the micro-learning based daily episodic learning sheets when trialled and institutionalized can become efficacious. The authors of such workbook hold that the exercises are required to be written in the textual sequence of the textbook to be worked on daily basis – one page a day – and written answers by students must enable the teacher to check the mastery and provide the remedial instruction before taking up the next learning episode.
At Plenum School in Himachal Pradesh - small school with a few students in each class (see pic) - an attempt was made by the visiting teacher Dr Lalit Kishore, to design and create a micro-learning organizer followed by preparing the list of daily learning episodes of physics meant for middle and high school students. The initial lesson studies with learning sheets to be transacted for each session divided in three parts (Teacher-Learner Interaction, Learner-Learner Interaction, and Learner-Material interaction) were carried out. The students of grade 8 found that learning has become more effective by passing two-third of learning time to them.
Though initially, re-organizing curriculum in learning episodes took 2 hours each for each class and one hour was required for preparing each learning sheet. However, after a week, it took 20-30 minutes to produce each learning sheet.

[1] Dr Lalit Kishore had then worked as Physics Master at MNSS, Rai with Dr Vashisht Sharma. He left the institution in 1983 when the workbook was published after a few lesson studies using cyclostyled worksheets
[1] Kishore, L. & Sharma, V. (1983). Secondary School Physics Workbook – Course A, New Delhi: Arya Book Depot: 1-140