"While researching at Disha in Jaipur, I have found that mini 'Snakes & Ladders Board Game' of 4X4 grid works well with children with learning disabilities since while enhancing basic cognitive and behaviour shaping skills, the game when played in a non-competitive learning environment can reinforce both on-going literacy and numeracy content effectively," says Dr Lalit Kishore who worked at Disha for three years as educator and researcher.
Specification for board game for children with learning disabilities.
1. 4X4 grid board on a slate or mini-white board may be used as board
2. Not more than 6 words or numbers should be used at a time
3. The grids and content should be drawn and modeled by the teacher in front a one or two children
4. The procedures and rules should be demonstrated by actual playing the game once by the teacher
5. Teacher must play the game once with the child
6. Then the supervised game should be played by two children by taking turns
7. Three small cardboard square pieces with a dot on one face should work as dice for making moves
8. Colour buttons or chalk pieces should work as counters
9. Each game should played for 15 minutes supervised by the teacher for for days for
10. The content should include three types of symbols
-First letter symbol
-Word in spelling
-Visual symbol

Read the collage of pictures to get more clues how to create board game on a slate. Since most children with learning disabilities cannot write, the game's grids should be drawn by the teacher.
The board should be in single colour and line drawing should be used for visual symbols for recognition.