According to Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore, Multi-Grade Teaching (MGT) is the strategy of classroom instruction for nominally enrolled classes or the school situation that has more classes and fewer teachers.

His presentation on MGT, which was earlier available at 'slideshare' has been picked 'fdocument' [1] for dissemination which can be downloaded for free.
He adds that effective MGT requires learning material developed for daily sessions and trained peer-tutors who facilitate group learning and individualized learning supervision.

In an article on MGT published in MeriNews [2], he states. "The multi-grade classroom is an organizational pattern in which a teacher is required to teach two or more grades simultaneously. According to a rough estimate, in India, about 80 per cent 'rural and tribal area schools' have multi-grade situation and are being managed by one to three teachers in primary schools having five classes. Typically, small-scale schooling and multi-grade classrooms are today getting a closer look in research and experimentation. Since single-grade multi-level and multi-grade teachings have similar features, the common strategy for them is called multi-grade multi-level (MGML) teaching strategy. Under the home school concept in which a few kids in multi-age and multi-grade situation are taught by certified parents or tutors often go for multi-level learning strategy."
In nutshell, MGT is an instructional pedagogy which address the need of children with different grades levels, ages and abilities be taught simultaneous in the same classroom.