Today, as we observe the National Reading Day (June 19), often ritualistic activities and competitions are indulged in. which do disservice to the reading motivation since these activities are easy to do as a show off by the talented and knowledge to blow off money and to show off to the authorities that their directive has been carried out.
Moreover, on-line activities on reading skills and spoken word art through reading theater create the passive on-lookers and listeners. Need is to offer people opportunities to become proficient in reading with comprehension.
I have found that teacher and student-made word clouds before and after reading a passage lead to active reading. A “Word Cloud” is a vocabulary tool are visual depiction of keywords or tag-words in random pattern related to to the topic-word. Many teachers ans educators are using word clouds in the classroom to create an outline of the topic and vocabulary building as an entry to the topic or two recapitulate the lesson.
Thus, a word cloud can be creative way to integrate the lessons and topics. Also, word cloud artwork can be given given as an assignment for reading to identify the keywords or glossary of a topic.
It has been found that with the keyword-based word cloud approach readers get get to know important facts, concepts or ideas in a passage and later write a complex gist-sentence besides better recall due to formation of mental picture due to usual effect of the word cloud. Thus, word-clouds make active memorization and long-term recall possible.