In Japanese schools, chalkboard art is popular among students and teachers which is related to school and academic teaching activities. In many cultures, wet chalk art is still practiced for decorations on various special events and observance.
When introduced in primary grades, chalkboard art and lettering by students becomes an an easy task.

When the blackboard art is to stay for a few days; then draw faint outlines of relevant text and visual codes and make them bold with wet chalk sticks.
Make a beginning in a simple way and keep on practicing and improving.
Here, I tried to make a chalkboard art on STEM education to make it an entry point for gender issues in educations.
The schools must promote the chalkboard art to make it's corridors and classrooms alive. A small chalkboard by the side of the main chalkboard can work as a canvas for for such art.
Chalkboard art is specially useful for special schools since visual communication is more effective for children with special needs.
Small writing boards with one side as blackboard and other side as whiteboards are available in the market these days. These boards can also used for one-on-one micro learning session.
Furthermore, the dual code teaching and learning practices in the classroom the chalkboard art takes the shape of sketch-notes on the chalkboard. The teachers are needed to be trained in chalkboard art and dual-code sketch-noting.