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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

National Education Policy to promote contextual special education research

In the NEP-2020, it has been approved by the cabinet which has the provisions for specific additional initiatives to be undertaken to ensure that every CWSN receives inclusive, equitable, meaningful and quality education.

"Children with disabilities will be enabled to fully participate in the regular schooling process from the foundational stage to higher education, with support of educators with cross disability training, resource centres, accommodations, assistive devices, appropriate technology-based tools and other support mechanisms tailored to suit their needs," states the government release

Some of the action points suggested the draft document are as follows.

-Inclusion of children with special needs in regular schools has been mentioned as one of the priority areas of action in regard to education programmes for CWSN will continue to be mainstreaming them in neighborhood schools and supporting their participation in the schooling process from the Foundational stage through Grade 12.

-Physical access to schools for children with special needs will be enabled through prioritizing barrier-free structures, ramps, han

drails, disabled-friendly toilets, and suitable transportation

-Financial support for initiatives for educating children with special needs will be provided to schools or school complexes for integration of CWSN, as well as for the establishment of resource centres at the village/block level where needed for learners with severe or multiple disabilities - such centres would assist parents/guardians in part-time or full time home-schooling and in skilling such learners

-Promoting use of Indian Sign Language (ISL) or other local sign languages if they exist, and accessing provisions available through National Institute of Open School (NIOS)

Development of assistive devices and appropriate technology-based tools, as well as adequate and language-appropriate teaching-learning materials along with research efforts to develop and test solutions that are effective in local contexts will be supported through NGOs and volunteer organisations who may wish to participate.

It being said that the NIOS will develop high quality modules to teach Indian Sign Language (ISL) and the instructional material to teach other basic subjects using ISL.

It has been envisaged that special educators and therapists with cross-disability training would be prepared to work with all schools. Furthermore, resource centres at the block level in conjunction with special educators at the school will support the rehabilitation and educational needs of learners with severe or multiple disabilities, and will assist parents/guardians in achieving high quality home-schooling and skilling for such students.

“It is the total revamp of the implementation system that is required which instead of ordering and preaching system becomes a support structure that promotes and facilitates learning of students,” suggested a special educator in Jaipur.

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