The nomination of Jaipur based educator Dr Lalit Kishore for the special Commonwealth Education Awards -2021 was short listed and reached the second adjudication round after being reviewed by a panel of judges. However, the nomination fell through in the final judging round.
"We received a huge number of applications, and have been very impressed by the wide range of educational activities taking place across the Commonwealth! We would like to thank you for your interest in the Awards, and the time and effort spent submitting your application. We look forward to receiving your application for the Awards in the future," wrote the award organizers.
"There is no innovation, connection or transformation without quality education. We therefore believe it is important and productive to acknowledge excellence and promising practices in the provision of quality education and learning for all. We are pleased to invite nominations for the Commonwealth Education Awards 2021," so wrote the organizers on their website.
"The Awards will highlight the outstanding work of education professionals and signal the key role that education and learning play in the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The areas and categories for 2021 will be the following: 1) Rethinking Education for Innovation. 2) Rethinking Education for Work; 3) Rethinking Education for Sustainability ; 4) Education as Pathways to Peace; 5) Education for Inclusion; and 6) Commonwealth outstanding teacher or school leader," it added
They further informed, "Two winners for an outstanding educator and an innovative project will be shortlisted across the six categories. The two winners will receive sponsorship to attend the 21st Commonwealth Conference of Education Ministers (21CCEM) in Kenya. They will receive an engraved plaque and certificate during the opening ceremony of the 21CCEM."