In India, Teachers' Day is celebrated on September 5 to mark the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice-President and second President of the country.
This article is being reproduced on Teacher’s Day observance of 2022 is to motivate teachers to become facilitators of innate learning potential of teachers.
According to Dr Lait Kishore[1], learning is inherent and innate – it is in humans’DNA as proved by neuro-cience – which needs to be fostered and nurtured by developing the cognitive skills among children by adults as senior co-learners
Kishore[2] (1998) lays emphasis on processing skills and self-learning, the teacher as a facilitator of learning and senior co-learners is required to don new roles such as a learning designer, interventionist, educational engineer, contingency manager, facilitator, guide, method master, action-learner in future.

[1] Dr. Lalit Kishore was then Principlal, KV2, Bathinda, under Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan
[2] Kishore, L. (1998). Emerging New Roles of Teacher, Rajasthan Board Journal of Education, 25(3), pp.9-11