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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

On getting started with spoken word poetry

The use of rhythm in poetry is the placement of sounds in time within words, between words and among word-chunks along with including pauses in random patterns.

However, the rendering such poetry may be sprinkled with a regular and repeated pattern of words as well as language art elements.

Skillful use of rhythm in rendering a poetic piece has psycho-physical and psycho-chemical effects on the audience.

In spoken word poetry and slam poetry, frequently random rhythm is used while much of conventional poetry makes use of Regular Rhythm, Alternating Rhythm or Flowing Rhythm.

Moreover, at times, in the beginning and at the end of a word poetry, Progressive Rhythm is used for effective 'gateway' and 'ending'

Tempo is related the varying the speed of recitation to build emotional effects. Both, a good psycho-physics and psycho-chemistry are be produced during rendering of a spoken word poetic art piece.

Here is my spoken word poetic piece which I created after listening to counselor.

Never ever narrate

Your sob-sob story

To anyone at all

Don't you hobnob

To find shoulder to cry on

You'll be exploited

Further 'n farther

Rather, take your life

In your own hands

Awaken your freewill

Resolve to solve problem

Self-reflect to act

To reconstruct, to re-do,

To re-make, to renew

Yourself as a better you

Reconstruct bit-by-bit

Go slow-n-steady

See yourself being self-made

As enabled-n-empowered person


Power Poetry is spoken word art which is about finding your words, voice and using it with passion and high octane energy for urging self-transformation, societal change and changing the world.

Power poetry makes use of the transformation power of the poetry written and recited by people of all ages and more so by the young people.

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