"Padding strategy in poems leads to effective transition from home language to school language Hindi to English in Indian rural school," finds the study done by Dr Lalit Kishore, Jaipur based educator and researcher in rural schools of Rajasthan
According to Dr Kishore, contextualized local dialect and Hindi poems sung with padded English words can develop initial vocabulary to make a transition to the textbook of English for grade one students of Hindi medium rural schools in Rajasthan. "Padding in language has been viewed as cushioning of extra or different material in a poem, a speech or a book's text," he adds while expressing pleasure about his paper being accepted for an international conference on teaching of foreign language in Thailand.
"It is a pleasure to inform you that your abstract entitled "Transition from Local Dialect to English as A Subject at Grade One for Rural Children" has been accepted for presentation at the Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT2009), which the Language Institute of Thammasat University will hold between October 16 and 17, 2009 at the Asia Hotel Bangkok, Thailand," stated Pornsiri Singhapreecha; Conference Chairperson; Associate Professor Pornsiri Singhapreecha (PhD); The Language Institute, Thammasat University