"For changing the conventional models of classroom delivery of learning and teacher training which have become highly textual, textbook oriented or lectures-dominated and one-way in the form of teacher-directed instruction, it is essential to disrupt it to cause interest through visuals, visual arts, media streaming, GIFs, etc., that are short and simple. Teachers and other educational functionaries are required to make changes in their learning material production and delivery from a visual standpoint in the present scenario requiring new normal mandated by Covid-19 pandemic crisis such as on-line working and on-line learning. The new normal is centered around online activities and off-line activities getting secondary. Thus learning is going to have a main on-line option and minor off-line supplementation of learning," stated Dr Lalit Kishore while initiating a discussion on the digitization of learning material with frequent visual disruptions.
Rama Shrama, a teacher in a small school using visual learning support extensively and now turned into a teacher educator in Bhavi Nirman Society, Chaksu (Jaipur, Rajasthan), was of the view that she was being approached for online in-service teacher training in alternative education projects of the state government and other NGOs. she herself needed a training on preparing short videos on different training sessions for efficient digitized visual support.
Various coaching centers and schools in Chasku have switched over to on-line teaching. According to a local lead coach Abhishek Mishra, the on-line digitized coaching requires four essentials, namely, short instructional videos, power point presentations, lesson summaries and practice exercises in pdf format; and remedial on-line sessions.
Giriraj Sharma of BNS and another local coach who was persuing a B.Ed. course, subscribed for peparing lesson plan in the form of video-scripts before hand with a virtual classroom for on-line streaming of lessons. Acoording to Giriraj Sharma, the recording studio should a proper sound and light system with three wall camera and a tripod mounted camera to be handled by video-shooter.
A short training video was made on transacting a poem on 'fish' for which recording a moving fish in the aquarium located in the BNS office at Chaksu. This provided an initial insight into for what entails in producing a video-lesson.