Technology is here and has become the part of social learning of the child. The advocates of the STEAM education are urging to make it the medium of the learning. For example, the child now sees robots on the digital screen, gets fascinated by robot toys in shops, and imitates the movements of robots and many have heard of robots doing those jobs which earlier were being done by humans.
At the early education, it is being suggested that the classroom teaching should be geared building the STEAM vocabulary.
It was thought to create a poem on Robot and use it for a lesson study for grade one students. The creation of the poem to be recited using spoken word art was also the learning experience for the practitioner.
Single member count is one
One ‘n one more, makes it two
Come out this child, one child
Move up like a robot, you
Here’s the first child, first child
Come forward, one more child
Come out, this second robot
Now, two robots get filed
Here ‘re now two robots
You, the third robot join in
To make three robots in a file
To show how you walk-n-spin
Walk you three like robots
Walk just three steps, ‘n stop
Spin you three like robots
Spin three times, and drop