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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Popularity of homeschooling in US at primary level: Reasons

A few years ago, during my visit to the States and stay with old friend Dilip Nagarkar, I found a home school close to his residence to which students of Gujarati families were enrolled.

I tried to find out the reason of opening of a home school by licensed teachers and local body funding through educational voucher scheme.

Reasons for opening and running a home school

  • · Can be opened in a room or two at home itself for the neighborhood children

  • · Allows innovation of vertical grouping and self-paced learning

  • · A pupil-teacher ratio 20 to 30 is allowed

  • · Enjoyment of socialization with the elders in the family and the available parents

  • · No frills of uniforms, bussing, uniforms and school bags

  • · Looking after the premises of the home school is the daily project of the students

  • · Learning and mutual care becomes the group norm and contagious

  • · Vacation can be the family field work and a collective project

  • · Teacher is senior co-learner and a generalist rather than a specialist

  • · Use of worksheets and work-cards as the main learning materials

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