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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Prayer: Word cloud and non-poem


Life is a prayer / It's nature's blessing / We received it / Without asking for it

Human life - / Being gifted with / Countless potentials / Pray thankfully / Pray silently /

To be responsive / To realise the potentials/ With righteous mind / With purity of mind

Prayer is to work silently / To act quietly / To live humbly.

So, pray to life / Pray for life That's free from desires / That's full of perseverance / That's selfless action - / Rise up to life that’s blessed / And stay blessed

Pray not for easy worldly life / Answer the prayer / Invested in you / Invested in your being / Be accountable the gift within / Thank yourself / Listen to inner voice / For answers / For self-transformation / For self-realization.

Have a pure mind / Have a quiet mind / Listen to the silence within / Feel the non-physical within /

That’s beginning and end of prayer / That both the prayer-n-the answer / Prayer is yoga- / unity of prayer, praying, answer and person.

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