"The (conditioned) mind moves from the known to the known, and it cannot reach out into the unknown. You cannot think of something you do not know; it is impossible. What you think about comes out of the known, the past, whether that past be remote, or the second that has just gone by. This past is thought, shaped and conditioned by many influences, modifying itself according to circumstances and pressures, but ever remaining a process of time," says noted thinker, philosopher and seer J Krishnamurti.
If we go by the thoughts of J Krishnamurti, the present day education - prescribed and delivered by the 'world' - is conditioning to the known and preparation of individuals to become a cogwheel of the system. Even mundane activities of the world have been converted into 'academic disciplines' by the markets and are being pushed into education system for conditioning and certification to serve the markets.

Here is my non-poem on education as worldly affair is conditioning to the known and the past to enslave individuals
The mind
As shaped by the world -
Our upbringing, social learning, formal learning, markets, media -
Are journeys from known to known
Codified through sounds, visuals and texts
Work as stimulations
To project and reinforce the known
Converted into codified disciplines
By the world itself
Our mind -
Conditioned mechanically
To perceived known
Is limited to belief-thinking
Is mere copy-cat
Is sheer sheep-following
Is mad rat-race
For worldly success
By hook or crook -
It is an egoist mind
It is an addicted mind
It is a deluded mind
Our education
By and large
Is conditioning to the known -
That dwells in the past -
Codified by others
Even though the prescribed processes
May sound noble at times
But they are used to validate the known
They too are conditioning
They too reinforce the past
Education - all the more -
Has become commercial venture
To produce and market dignified slaves