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Writer's pictureLalit Kishore


The presentation of 32 slides which was earliest published in slideshare has been picked up by 'dokumen' [1] for dissemination

Points made are by Dr Kishore are follows (see link for further reading and download):

Science: what? Body of knowledge about the nature and the world based on Cause-and-effect relationship Scientific method, measurability, reliability, objectivity and experimentation Verifiable results and universally valid principles Dynamic and tentative

Art: Aesthetics-skills made spontaneous with practice, innovation and creativity Subjective codification as content, processes and techniques More related to humanities, language arts, performing arts, human actions with over-training. Art uses experimentation with subjectivity, hence it is a pseudo-science

4. Three sciences Pure and hard sciences Soft sciences Pseudo-sciences 5. School science education Concept Attainment: Generalizations from observations, relationships and similar examples by excluding non-examples Content and processes of science Rational and logical thinking 6. Hues of science education Part of environment studies at elementary education level General science science for all at high school level Streaming: Physical sciences and life sciences at senior secondary level 7. Bad pedagogy Systems and behavioural approach: Lectures, media, demonstration, competitions, ranking, and mechanical practice for content acquisition

8. GOOD PEDAGOGY Concept attainment model Experiential and activity-based learning to construct knowledge Process-based learning of science Investigations and experimentation Cooperative and participatory learning Creative and interesting ways of memorization 9. Activity rooms and labs in school Pre lab science experiences through out-door world and common materials. Activities with environmental resources and readily available materials at elementary school level and project work Enquiry, investigations, formal lab-based experiments at secondary school level

10. Pedagogy-centricity Pedagogy: Science of teaching and learning a soft science Contexualized teaching-learning experiments, analyzed interventions, classroom instructional innovations with outcomes, instructional problem solving Soft-science synthesis with hard science as a discipline 11. Pedagogy: Origin and meaning Child's leader leading to learning ...Greek word: Pedagogue Viewing classroom as an activity and educational experimentation system with a focus on context and method of teaching by assuming children as co-constructor of knowledge Along with content, the understanding of learning processes and situation is induced in both the teacher and learner 12. Crux Bring pedagogy to the centre-stage of classroom teaching to make instruction a soft science which is as dynamic as pure science wherein refinement and reconstruction of knowledge are on-going processes.

LINK [1]

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