According to cognitive psychologists, providing constructed experiences in creative expression helps people to articulate their feelings and thoughts through various mediums and makes them better decision makers and wisdom thinkers.
Neuro-science holds that critical-creative thinking makes to hemispheres of brain to coordinate and leads to the whole brain education.
If practiced at the school level, freedom to use the creative expression skills can be helpful to make children think critically and wisely about their world and as well provide practice in verbal, kinaesthetic, artistic and visual communication skills to convey ideas, feelings and thoughts.
The critical analysis of others' creative expression work too can lead to understanding cause-and-effect relationship to lead a better ethical life.
However, some dominant and thoughtless groups want the belief thinking to continue so that they could keep on controlling and manipulating people for their self-interests.
Here is a limerick to when controversies are created on certain films, books and visuals.
A creative expression to highlight cultural distortions
Bigots oppose, threaten calling it poisonous concoction
One can't gather how a film can destroy sovereignity of Nation
But some groups are out to teach film team some hard lessons
It seems for some to settle scores, violence is best solution