Indian tradition of floor-art called rangoli or kolam can be adapted for Art-Integrated Learning by Schools as a part of 'Learning Outcome (LO) Based Teaching-Learning' process as well as Competency Based Education (CBE) and Art Integrated Learning (AIL).
"The underlying focus of CBE is attainment of each of the grade and subject appropriate LOs and demonstration and application of learning in real-life situation by the learners. CBE can be implemented only through innovative and joyful experiential pedagogies such as Art-Integrated and Sport-Integrated Learning, Storytelling, etc.," informs the Central Board of Secondary Education through one of its circulars.
It has been articulated that purpose of the CBE is to 'promote reflection, critical thinking, creativity, initiation, self direction and other 21st Century Skills' and ‘make students 21st century-ready citizens, by empowering them with the competencies to understand, analyse, evaluate, interpret and innovate various real life situations that they require to face in the world outside the classrooms or an environment beyond their schools and homes.'
According to the CBSE, art-Integration is a cross- curricular pedagogical approach that utilizes various aspects and forms of art and culture as the basis for experiencing the learning of concepts across subjects. "As a part of the thrust on experiential learning, art-integrated education will be embedded in classroom transactions not only for creating joyful classrooms, but also for imbibing the Indian ethos through integration of Indian art and culture in the teaching and learning process at every level. This art-integrated approach will strengthen the linkages between education and culture," adds the circular.
Rangoli drawings and designs can aid AIL as a pedagogical tool for developing visual intelligence and builder of a joyful learning environment in the school as exemplified in the inset video of a a rangoli design.
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