The editorial in Times of India (Feb 22, 2021), a day after the observance the International Mother Language Day, highlighted the UNESCO advocated centrality of 'multilingualism' and stated that billigualism was currently the condition for half of world's population in terms of the home language / regional language and the school language.

"So after diversity, there is hybridity. Much more than us (present generation parents), our children will inhabit multiple languages," concludes the editorial urging the school system to do the needful in this regard by helping the children.
The paper "Overcoming Home Language (HL) and School Language (SL): Changing Teachers and Schools to Change the Child Through a Deliberate Effort" by Dr. Lalit Kishore, also bats for initial learning in home language, followed by hybrid learning prior to transition to the school language through or medium of instruction.
The abstract of the paper goes as follows:
"Under an Education For All (EFA) project, efforts were initiated to make a transition from home language to school language for children of alternative learning system. In a comparison of benchmark and post-test scores on the performance of children in a tribal and non-tribal block, it was seen, at Grade II level that the maximum gain was seen in language with about 50% tribal children showing fairly good performance in language, i.e. at par with non-tribal children. A gain in performance score of 20% was seen among tribal children due to the transitional interventions as revealed by the benchmark and post-test studies
in Hindi."
For the full paper visit the following link.