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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Schools in United Kingdom to reopen in September with new norms and protocols

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

The schools in UK are going to be reopened in September since it has been accepted that we need to learn to live with the COVID-19 pandemic which is going to last but with all the precautions and adjusted school and classroom arrangements.

Currently, education is being seen vital and critical in cognitive development, social welling and emotional well being of children. The arrangements should be made with minimum contact with individuals and surfaces along with strict preventive controls including changes in uniform with full sleeves, leg wears and face masks.

It has been recommended that periodic COVID-19 infection detection tests should be made both for students and the staff, and a referral unit should be set up in schools with health and care plans in place.

The following actions have been suggested.

  • Welcoming students back to school

  • Preparing the risk management action plan and executing it effectively

  • Robust sanitization, enhanced cleaning, adherence to respiratory hygiene, physical distancing and sanitization arrangements with a schedule and checklist

  • Dedicated school transport

  • Protocols for arriving and leaving school

  • Re-adjusted curriculum to make for lost time by cutting down all group and whole school activities along with use of tutoring, accelerated learning techniques, core learning packages

The schools have asked to respond to an abnormal situation mandated by the pandemic which is going to last longer than anticipated. With staying at home and on-line learning, children have started showing signs acute anxiety, low moods and depression.

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