In academic subjects, there could be two kinds of rapping: one is scripted recitation rich rapping with overriding subject matter, while the second one is the improvisation on the rap lyrics of someone else. Since, in schools, there is emphasis on 'coverage of syllabus', teacher-scripted rap lyrics can work better initially.

Thereafter, on monthly basis students can be assigned lyrics writing one-hour sessions on different sections of the content to convert prose into rap lyrics and hold jam sessions and share creations.
There has to be student-wise and subject matter-wise action planning to systematise writing sessions and jam sessions. It has been found that unit-study method and rap-jam sessions can jell well.
A simple rule for creating subject matter based rap lyrics is to restructure the content with freedom from grammar and giving line break after every proposition.
I have found that in science subjects the 5W poetry can easily be adapted for academic rapping.