The article of Dr Lalit Kishore on self-study was published in the periodical Educational Review, 91(37):37, in which he describes the self-study skill in a set of read-to-learn skills from book resources both the prescribed ones and those available in the school library.
If implemented as scheme with planning, orientation of students, giving regular assignments and corrective feedback, senior students can learn much of course independent of the teacher. He did a lesson study based on read-to-learn skills by using the prescribed textbook in physics to get a feel of what does it entail, he holds.
The lesson study was done for learning episode to demonstrate the shortage of teacher can work as an opportunity to lead senior students towards self-learning and peer-group learning.
However, to systematize the scheme across the school for various subject requires the approvals, teacher preparation and periodic mid-course correction reviews, which are hard to come.
Dr Kishore, had worked as principal of KV, Tenga Valley, Arunachal Pradesh from 1983-86 and published umpteen papers and articles on various aspects of education.