Over the years Yoga has become a cross-curricular and multi-disciplinary area of knowledge and application, and Yogapathy has found a place in medical sciences.
Kishore (2017) [1] holds that disorders, dysfunctions and ailments are seen as the result of a state of short or prolonged malfunctioning of the body-mind system resulting into imbalanced internal conditions of an individual and yoga can help in mitigating the disorders.
Here is keyword chart for yogapathy.

Here is an acrostic on YOGAPATHY to understand the term quickly.
Y: Yoking and harnessing mind and body by uniting them to work as a source of wellness and health
O: Organizing yoga intervention by expert after psychic diagnosis for the prevention and treatment of medical conditions of client
G: Generic yogic techniques, asanas and props modified to be used with a protocol
A: Analysis of patient on body, mind, social heath and spiritual health levels is precondition before
P: personalized programs of asana, pranayama, dhyana and meditation programs designed after diagnosis of person including psycho analysis
A: Assisting patients to recover and get rehabilitated through designed yoga interventions
T: Therapeutic yoga as a tool to restore mobility and flexibility to injured areas of the body and address a variety of ailments including chronic backache, high blood pressure, immunodeficiency and insomnia.
H: Holistic health, treatment and recovery plan with expertise in medical yoga
Y: Yes to supplementary inputs from medical yoga for effective and efficient use of pharmaceutical drugs which often treat symptoms and not the causes of diseases